loveLife Generation is youth led charity set up to inspire, involve and motivate people ‘to be the change you want to see in the world.’ This enterprise project is part of our commitment to sustainable development and social action.
“recently I’ve just come across this amazing range of skin care products. Not only that it’s entirely natural and it doesn’t have any of the nasty chemical ingredients – but it is hand made by young people who are keen on entrepreneurship. Soooo… good for you and good for the society. And did I mention it comes at very good prices?” Sofia
Our story
As young women within love Life Generation we strive to inspire, involve and motivate others to “ be the change you want to see in the world”. So why not start with ourselves? We made a start by:
* recognizing that we are always under pressure to look good
* understanding how the media influences our choices to buy products without checking what’s in them, how they affect us or the environment
* realizing that we are all unique and one idea of beauty does not fit everyone
* learning to value natural beauty inside and out – a natural beauty that helps us feel good, look good and not hurt the environment.
This is how we turned these thoughts into action to create our own brand of natural products
1. love Life Generation applied and received funding from the British Council EU Youth in Action Scheme to set up an enterprise project
2. Haqqani Herbs (medical herbalist practice) taught us about herbs, essential oils, bases for products, safety testing, labelling requirements etc.
3. We worked with Haqqani Herbs over several weeks to make all the products
4. We also completed a training course on setting up a small social enterprise and marketing
5. We have had our products passed safety and legislation and then we hit the markets to bring our wonderful hand made natural products to you.