Shape Your Street

Following a number of shooting and stabbing incidents in the St James street and Markhouse wards of Walthamstow, LLG started a street project in partnership with the Women’s Interfaith Network, funded by Near Neighbours to help connect the community and make the streets feel safer. From the 6th of January 2019 our Sunday pavement cafe started serving snacks and drinks to neighbours and chat to them about ways to give back to the community.

Over 50 people stop by every week and we’ve built up a family of regulars each with their own unique story. The next step step is to provide workshops to build local capacity for social action as well as capability for peer support so that residents feel like they can make a difference in the their own community.

Over the summer, we intend to involve children, young people and families in creative and cultural activities reflecting the diversity of Waltham Forest as the borough of culture in London this year.

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