Greece – Creativity

Creativity Six was back in Greece in September 2011. loveLife groundbreakers aged 18 – 26 years spent ten glorious days with 120 young people from 12 EU nations developing the theme of volunteering and activism in creative ways.

We chose one creative medium from Performance, Dance, Web radio, Comics, Circus Skills, Arts & Crafts and Photography to create a presentation at the final celebration. We shared a truly inter-cultural experience of food, languages, humour, music, friendship and fun on the beech, in our wagons and at the barbecue available every night. Night ran into day and vice versa. Eyes were permanently glazed open as people didn’t want to miss out on another crazy experience.. there were so many!

We made so many contacts and developed so many positive relationships and networks across Europe –we’ve already been invited to Poland next year! Bring on Creativity 7!

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