Humanities Hand 2019

What is Humanities Hand

This training course, aims to create an inspirational learning space for exchange of experience and good practice. Its main aims is to support youth workers to find tools, to improve skills and to gain more knowledge to prevent bullying and to create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.

Aim & Objectives

The aim of “Humanities Hand” is:

To develop new tools and methods to integrate refugees to their new surroundings by using various forms of non-formal education by developing an understanding of Human rights.

The main objectives of the “Humanities Hand” are:

– Empower organizations and project managers to convey various purpose messages to refugees and migrants through a series of methods that is customized to their needs;
– Indirectly aid and improve the refugee integration process;
– Insert creativity as a focal point when using non-formal education methods and certain tools in specific target groups such as refugees

– Offer knowledge of new funding tools and ideas for achieving their goals;
– Enable and facilitate networking possibilities among organizations that work with refugees, human rights etc.;
– To strengthen participants’ understanding of key concepts of human rights education with young people

-To familiarise participants with the approaches and activities of Compass (the manual on human rights education with young people) and with how to use it

The core areas of “Humanities Hand” promote refugee integration, active citizenship, employability opportunities, social inclusion and solidarity and these are key priorities of the Erasmus+ programme.

Target Group

Youth workers, educators, teachers, volunteers in NGOs, social workers, who work with young people preferably unemployed or disadvantag

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